100 Meridian Way
Fonthill, ON L0S 1E6
In Person Festival:
Mother’s Day Weekend-May 6th to 8th, 2022
Meridian Community Centre
100 Meridian Way
Fonthill, ON L0S 1E3
Online Festival: pelhamartfestival.com
May 4th to 15th
Event Schedule:
Opening Night- Friday, May 6th, 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm
Saturday, May 7th, 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
Mother’s Day Sunday, May 9th, 10.00 am to 5 pm
Admission & Ticket Information:
Free admission for children age 12 and under
Opening Night-Friday-7.00 pm to 10.00 pm-$15 provides entry to the Art Show and Sale, including complimentary hors d’oeuvres, live jazz music and a cash wine bar.
Saturday- 10.00 am to 5 pm-$7 provides entry to the Show and Sale. A la carte food is available for purchase; there is a cash wine bar and live harp music.
Sunday- 10.00 am to 5 pm-$7 provides entry to the Show and Sale. A la carte food is available for purchase; there is a cash wine bar and live jazz piano music.
Proceeds benefit Pelham libraries, student art scholarships and community arts projects.
The Pelham Art Festival has proudly donated over $435,000 back to the community.
For further information visit our website pelhamartfestival.com