June is Recreation and Parks Month (JRPM) a movement that promotes the benefits of recreation and parks for physical, social, and environmental health. Communities across Ontario, such as Welland, have embraced JRPM as a way to promote local programs and events, parks and facilities that are available for all citizens to enjoy.
The City of Welland Recreation & Culture Division would like to highlight various recreational opportunities residents can access to ensure they are staying active and engaged. In light of COVID-19, this year’s programming is safe and welcoming. We encourage you to participate as much as you can.
Details on The Great Outdoor Scavenger Hunt or Goosechase game can be found by visiting https://wellness.welland.ca/virtualPrograms.asp. Tik Tok Challenge will be posted on social media for you to enjoy, laugh, and create your own fun!
Access to recreation and parks is a fundamental human need that helps foster personal health, strong communities, and social inclusion. JRPM celebrates Ontario’s spectacular parks and recreation services and raises awareness for the role they play as a pathway to individual, community, and environmental well-being.
Active Living is healthy living! Enjoy and stay safe Welland!