Before COVID, we were sending 1 skid of food from our warehouse to the food bank to fill up the shelves for the week. Now, we are sending 2 full skids of food. We are distributing twice as much food as before.
Tomorrow, if you received a flyer in your mailbox for a door to door food drive in your neighborhood, please place a donation in a location visible from the road (and please check best before dates before donating) by the time indicated on the flyer.
If you did not receive a flyer, you can donate at one of our 7 drop off locations:
1. Seaway Mall hosted by Welland BIC outside old Target 10am-12pm
2. Wellspring Church 10am-12pm
3. Rice Road Community Church 10am-12pm
4. 191 Thorold Rd 10am-2:00pm
5. 322 McAlpine 10am-12pm
6. Mama Misfit Cheesecakery 12-5pm
7. Grumpy Gramma’s food truck at Canadian Tire 11:30am-6pm
Thank you in advance for your generosity tomorrow!
Leslie Bellingham
Director of Development and Communication
Open Arms Mission