Our Plant sale has officially begun! Go on-line and follow the “shop” tab for instructions on how to place your order. You will have to wait until after May 7th to pick them up, please indicate what date works best for you. We have a wide variety of vegetables and herbs to choose from for a successful back yard (or front) garden, check us out at www.rumarfarm.ca
With so many spring plant sales, landscaping projects, and all your tempting gardening plans, it’s easy to forget that spring is also a season of transition and not just a start date to dig and plant. There’s a compelling reason to keep your trowels, hoes, gloves, and seeds in the shed for just a while longer. We recommend you hold off on cleaning up any leftover detritus from last fall — such as old leaves — until it’s warm enough. Insects shelter under such things and hibernate there through the winter — if they’re removed before these insects have a chance to awaken, the biodiversity of your neighborhood will suffer. Plants and fruit trees need them to pollinate. Perhaps wait for at least seven consecutive days of 10-degree-plus temperatures before you get back to gardening.
Once you pick up your plant selection, we suggest you wait until after the chance of last frost which is usually around the May long weekend to get planting.
Ruth and Marc
Rumar Farm