For safety reasons, pedestrians are encouraged to cross at marked intersections, at a designated Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) such as the one on Canboro Road in Fenwick, or at signalized intersections. Residents of all ages and abilities, including those using mobility devices such as walkers, wheelchairs or scooters, cross at intersections every day.
Pedestrians: Make eye contact with motorists. Use your hand to point in the direction that you are crossing. This is helpful at busy, four-way stop intersections. When crossing at signalized intersections, use the pedestrian signal. Watch for cars that are turning.
Motorists: Be patient. Give pedestrians the time needed to cross the road safely.
Wait until the pedestrian reaches the other side of the road safely before proceeding.
Let’s all make Pelham’s roads and intersections safe for everyone.
A message from the Pelham Active Transportation Committee