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- No events scheduled for April 10, 2024.
- No events scheduled for April 11, 2024.
- No events scheduled for April 12, 2024.
- No events scheduled for April 13, 2024.
Week of Events
Twilight’s Road to Worlds
Twilight’s Road to Worlds
Twilight is a U8 AllStar team from Cheer United that has earned a bid to All Star Worlds in Florida. We are raising money to help with the costs associated with travel. Keep your empties and bring them to The Galaxy!
Solar Eclipse PD Day Camp
Solar Eclipse PD Day Camp
The Town of Pelham is offering a Solar Eclipse PD Day camp at the Meridian Community Centre. Youth will take part in laser tag and space activities. Youth will be able to watch a digital livestream of the eclipse! www.pelham.ca/camps
Twilight’s Road to Worlds Event
Twilight’s Road to Worlds Event
Twilight is a U8 AllStar team from Cheer United that has earned a bid to All Star Worlds in Florida. We are raising money to help with the costs associated with travel.
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