Sobeys Recipe Corner: How to Cook Root Vegetables
Learn everything you need to know, from prep tips to recipe ideas, about using some common types of root vegetables....
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Grocery Store!
Learn everything you need to know, from prep tips to recipe ideas, about using some common types of root vegetables....
Make the most of different cuts of beef and steaks so you get the best out of your purchase. Here...
Whether it’s movie night, board game night or just because, we’ve got four, finger-licking good pub food recipes you’ll want...
Enjoy the holiday season like never before with this collection of holiday app hacks using frozen favourites from Panache and...
Take your guests on a trip around the world one dish at a time. From Middle Eastern-style honey carrots to...
Whether it’s for an upcoming holiday cookie swap, a cozy gathering or a solo holiday movie marathon, these cookie recipes...
Go beyond meat and cheese this holiday season and serve up a grazing board tailored to your tastes. If you’re...
The holidays are the perfect time to indulge in festive flavours and share delicious bites with friends and family. Whether...
Tis the season to celebrate joyful bites of deliciousness. This holiday, help elevate your festive gatherings with appetizers like savoury...
Everything you need to know about sheet pan dinners, from choosing the right pan to prepping ingredients to tips and...
Whether you spoon it out of a can or roast and mash a small sugar pumpkin, this superb squash can...
Warm up to our range of tastes-like-homemade Panache soups this fall and let us do the chopping, simmering, and stirring....
From crisp zucchini to rich, earthy pumpkins, squash is a family of vegetables that has a uniquely wide range of...
Crisp air, falling leaves and in-season produce mean it’s time to celebrate fall’s bounty with delicious recipes. Fall Alfresco Take...
We’ve taken the guesswork out of throwing a spectacular party. These suggestions for delicious food, well-matched drinks and perfect playlists...
Meaty mains dominate the summer grilling season, but these veggie sides will give them a run for their money. Tandoori...
No matter the occasion or the season, pasta is always a crowd-pleaser. And the secret to perfect pasta is prepping...
Do you like your sandwich with a side of soup? Who doesn’t! Here are five perfect pairings to make lunchtime...
There’s nothing wrong with a good schmear of cream cheese on a hot New York–style bagel; in fact, it can...
When the summer heatwaves hit, the last thing you want to do is turn on your oven. Luckily, we’ve got...