Send proof of purchase from any Niagara local business to or 905-329-0329 and Pelham Medical Aesthetics & Co. will send you a $50 gift card to their clinic. No minimum purchase. No restrictions except one card per person per visit.
(If Pelham Medical Aesthetics & Co. is the local merchant that you buy from, we ask for a minimum purchase of $200.00)
“We hope that our campaign helps to make people mindful of where they are spending their money and generates support for our local business community at this critical time.”
Pelham Medical Aesthetics & Co. is offering free Niagara delivery their our skin care line and selling $200 gift cards for $150 to be redeemed when they reopen!
Marcie Bak
Pelham Medical Aesthetics & Co.
155 Hwy 20 West
Fonthill, ON
L0S 1E5
905-329-0329 (cell)