What is a Fungal Nail Infection?
Onychomycosis if a fungal infection of the nail which is often accompanied by an infection of the skin commonly known as Athlete’s foot. This is typically found between the toes.
Nail fungus is a common foot ailment which can range from a mild infection with little to no symptoms to a more sever infection which can cause discolouration, thickening and crumbling of the nail. Although it is not a serious infection, some people may experience some level of pain and be bothered by the appearance of the nail.
How does one get a fungal nail infection?
Fungus that lives in the environment can find its way into cracks of the nail or surrounding skin, causing the infection.
What can I do to prevent this?
- Keep feet clean and dry
- Do not share nail clippers
- Wear shoes when visiting public pools and change rooms
- When visiting a nail salon, ensure they sterilize their instruments properly between each use or bring your own.
What is the treatment for fungal nail?
Fungal nail infections are difficult to cure. Your best course of action is to seek treatment as early as possible. These types of infections do not typically go away on their own and talking to your healthcare professional will allow you to choose your best option. Antifungal pills are the most effective but each person’s situation and history is taken into consideration.