The City of Welland has initiated the development of a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to provide the City with a long-term road network and active transportation strategies that will support existing needs and accommodate further projected population and employment growth.
Named City on the Move, the plan aims to:
- Connect residential, commercial, and industrial areas effectively and efficiently.
- Enhance active transportation and improve connectivity.
- Promote safe, environmentally responsible, and accessible transportation.
- Promote network links to growth areas, neighbouring municipalities, and key transport corridors.
- Create a capital plan to meet the City’s transportation needs now and in the future.
“Residents and stakeholders are invited to provide feedback and ask questions at every stage of the study, said Livia McEachern, manager of engineering. “The process is meant to be both informative and interactive for participants and our goal is to reach as many people as possible and get their feedback.”
The study will be conducted following the requirements of Master Plan Approach #1 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015), which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act.
This approach involves the preparation of a Master Plan document after Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA process. Public and technical agency consultation is fundamental in developing the Master Plan.
The City will hold two public open houses during the study to share information and receive input from the public. Details, including the date, time, and how to participate in each public open house will be announced in a subsequent notice and posted on the project webpage at (