Patricia Crawford has lived at 1375 Pelham Street for five years. During this time the front yard has transformed from a blank slate to a modern, contemporary garden. Patricia is being recognized for her beautification ingenuity by the Pelham Beautification Committee’s thank you initiative.
When asked what inspired her to design her garden in such a way, Patricia answered, “I like the classic, modern look to a garden and being low maintenance is a bonus. The green and white compliment each other with the most common plants being Hydrangea, Grasses, ferns Boxwood and hostas.” The clean lines are simple and fashionable, while tall black planter boxes topped with golden globes, as well as other circular ornaments provide accents to a tidy, elegant garden. Patricia explains, “the globes light up at night and there is under lighting through out the garden, allowing for nighttime visual interest”.
This garden truly is a 24/7 concept with year round interest and it is a worthy recipient of the Pelham Beautification Committee’s recognition. Congratulations Patricia.
Readers are reminded that 2022 is the Year of the Garden. If you see a particular garden deserving recognition we would be interested in hearing from you. Happy gardening!