Welland Transit is ready to move ahead with its on-demand transit service, ending its previous program with TransCab, a similar service operated through partnerships with local taxi providers. On-demand service with Welland Transit begins May 1.
On June 15, 2021, Council approved the procurement of RideCo – on-demand scheduling software. Since January 2022, Transit has seen a 13 per cent increase in their total trips booked through the RideCo app and an average of a two per cent increase weekly since inception (October 2021). This signifies that customers are adapting to the new process and booking trips themselves instead of using the call-in option.
“We’re seeing the increase in demand and usage,” said Edward Zahra, transit manager. “Welland Transit has carefully selected and trained operators, as well as the fleet, to ensure customer satisfaction and increased capacity limits and making this move to on-demand is nothing but positive.”
Employing the on-demand model through Welland Transit, the overall trip time reduces by approximately 30 minutes on average. Customers are picked up from their selected location (work, home, public spaces) with the on-demand area and travel directly to the downtown terminal or another location within the on-demand service area.
Trips are booked through the RideCo app or by telephone, and customers are provided a guaranteed arrival time. Service is offered at the same level as conventional hours: Monday to Friday, 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., Saturdays from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Sundays/holidays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The on-demand service comes to a cost of $5 per trip.
Welland Transit offers conventional service covering approximately 25.3 million sqm of Welland’s 85.5 million sqm footprint. This represents about 70 per cent of Welland’s sqm footprint not served by conventional Transit.
Transit now expands to Welland’s entire geographical range and reduces travel time for existing and new riders. For more information on Welland Transit, or to book a ride, visit Transit (welland.ca)