City Council supported the Jumpstart Gift Agreement authorizing staff to enter into an agreement with Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities (Jumpstart) at its meeting on April 20, 2021. The gift agreement will fund the “Jumpstart Inclusive Multisport Court” enhancement as a sub-facility within the Empire Multicourt. In addition to the Jumpstart Inclusive Multisport Court, Jumpstart will also install a new Inclusive Splash Pad on the grounds of the Welland International Flatwater Centre.

The key features of the Jumpstart Inclusive Multisport Court are:
· Sport and para sport court lines for basketball, tennis, ball hockey, volleyball, pickleball and badminton
· 6 fixed-height & 2 adjustable-height basketball nets
· Self-guided play area High contrast four-square court and Hop-scotch
· Contrasting colours to support visual impairment
· Shaded double-wide benches for improved accessibility
· Wheelchair-accessible seating and tables
· Shaded accessible bleachers
· 4 double-wide entry points
· 4 LED overhead court lights
· Cushion Comfort Plus Laykold acrylic surfacing system
The splash pad will be positioned approximately 100m away from the Empire Multicourt and close to the recreational trail to ensure a natural flow of activity on the site between the Waterway, event activities, splash pad and Multicourts.
“Jumpstart, with generous support from Niagara-area Canadian Tire Dealers, has offered a tremendous opportunity to the City of Welland to enhance our recreational facilities at the “Empire Multicourt” and the Welland International Flatwater Centre,” stated Richard Dalton, Manager of Recreation and Culture.