Local Business UPDATE Sandtrap Pub and Grill
“For May we will do curbside prepaid pickup from a reduced menu only from 4-7 and we will be closed Monday and Tuesday. We will start answering our phone starting at 2 so you can preorder for that night.
We are excited to be able to feed the fine people of NOTL and we hope you are all healthy and hungry.”
MENU available on Website here: sandtrappub.com
We are opening on Thursday April 30th for Phone Orders and Pick Up. Going forward we will be closed Mondays and Tuesdays for now. Phones open at 2pm to 7pm.
CALL 905-468-8727
Pick up is between 4-7. We will have a certain amount of pickup times available each day for now. Things will progress as we get a feel for everything.
Can’t wait to feed your families.
SOURCE: Sandtrap Pub and Grill via Facebook
This Local Business UPDATE is part of our myNiagara Online COVID19 Community Support initiative. We invite all local businesses to send us your business updates/ online ordering, pickup, delivery and virtual services that you are offering to customers at this time so that we can amplify them for you! info@myNiagaraOnline.com
Read our full series of #ShopLocalNiagara feature articles here: myniagaraonline.com/shoplocalniagara