“First day in the books and it was awesome to see all your faces! Some new, and some familiar!!
Back at it again tomorrow! Call anytime after 1pm to place an order, and let us know when you’ll be by to get it! (anytime after 4pm). 905-468-3411
Come see our beautiful 200 year old take out window! Thats got to be a record?
Thanks for your support!!
#notl #suportlocal #seeyouthen #staysafe #wasyourhands ”
via Olde Angel Inn on Facebook
Attention Local Business Owners:
Please be advised that we are compiling a list of #ShopLocalNiagara business updates and online orders, pick-ups/delivery and virtual services that you are offering to customers at this time.
Please send us your promotions, so that we can amplify them for you. email info@myniagaraonline.com to add your business to our Community List.
We invite you to also take a few minutes to check if your Pelham, Welland or Niagara-on-the-Lake Local Business/Community Organization is listed in your applicable
myPelham.com, or
myNOTL.com Local Directory – we are now offering FREE Linked Directory Listings.
We are offering these FREE promotional services as part of our COVID-19 community support initiative!