We have made the decision to reschedule our upcoming event. Please see the new dates below. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Following our Fundraising 101 workshop, we are pleased to promote the next three sessions within our Fundraising Series, starting with our first session on April 19th, with Special Guests, Tracy Geoffroy & Courtney McLoughlin from Hotel Dieu Shaver Foundation.
April 19 | 8:30 (doors) | 9-11 a.m. Workshop | Club Italia | $25
Communications plays an important role through all elements of the fundraising cycle (identification, cultivation, solicitation, stewardship). During the pandemic, in the absence of large scale events, our small shop took a step back and focused on communications and have already seen some financial successes because of it. Our goals were to utilize a variety of communications tools to: create an internal culture of philanthropy, increase awareness and presence within our region, and to develop targeted social and traditional media campaigns to support fundraising goals.
8:30 – Doors open and Continental breakfast
9:00 – 10:30 a.m. – Session
10:30 – 11:00 a.m. – Your questions answered
This is the first of three events in our Fundraising Series. Mark your calendars for the upcoming events and if you register for all three events, get a special discount rate!
May 24- Case for Support
A well-written case for support lays the foundation for a successful fundraising program. A compelling case for support is the story of how your organization is meeting a need and how a donor can help you meet that need, making a difference in your community. This session will provide you with the basics of writing a persuasive case for support.
June 14- Capital Campaigns
A capital campaign is a concentrated fundraising program designed to raise a specific amount of money for a special project such as a new building or the expansion of an existing building. This session will go over the basics of a capital campaign to help you determine if you are ready to consider such a project.
For questions or more information email Suzanne, Marketing & Communications Coordinator with NCF.
Register for all three events and SAVE!