This is open to all students in Pelham and Welland. Enter at your local school or send an email to and a basic outline of the rules will be sent directly to you. You can also call 905-687-0493 or 905-892-6846.
Write a speech about something you would like to tell everyone about. We can’t wait to hear all the interesting facts that you want us to know.
Must be registered by February 22nd.
Junior Speeches to be 3-5 Minutes Long Intermediate & Senior 5-7 Minutes Long
Also there is a 2 minute impromptu speech
1ST Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
The first place winner in each group will move on to the District Finals on April 20th held at the Port Colborne Lions Hall. The first place winners from our District Finals will move on to the MDA Finals held in Toronto on May 2nd & 3rd.