1. As part of my platform for the people; if elected to Town Council in Ward 1, I WILL BE GIVING 100% OF MY SALARY BACK TO THE PEOPLE OF PELHAM. WHICH MEANS I WILL WORK PRO BONO AS A COUNCILLOR FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE TERM. I am not in this race to collect a pay-check; I’m in it to serve the people of Fenwick, North Pelham, and Ridgeville. Just one thing I can do to help the financial mess that we are in, in Pelham.

3. For any residents who are interested in hosting a lawn sign for the Soos campaign, please email your request to stevensoos2018@outlook.com or phone 289-312-4463, with your address, and we will be happy to drop one off starting this Friday (July 31st)!!
Steven Soos, Pelham Town Council Candidate Ward 1
Cell #289-312-4463
Email stevensoos2018@outlook.com
“Authorized by the Steven Soos Campaign”